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Left Property


Left property as it applies to the ChartSpace, ChCategoryLabel, ChChartField, ChDataLabel, ChDataLabels, ChErrorBars, ChLegendEntry, ChPoint, ChSeries, ChTrendline, PivotAggregate, PivotAxisMember, PivotColumnMember, PivotDetailCell, PivotPageMember, PivotResultAxis, PivotResultColumnAxis, PivotResultDataAxis, PivotResultFilterAxis, PivotResultGroupAxis, PivotResultLabel, PivotResultPageAxis, PivotResultRowAxis, PivotRowMember, and PivotTable objects.

Left property as it applies to the PivotData object.

Left property as it applies to the Range object.

Left property as it applies to the Window object.


This example scrolls to the left through the spreadsheet window to display cell F1 if this cell is currently to the left of the visible range.

Sub ScrollSheet

   Dim rngScroll

   Set rngScroll = Spreadsheet1.Range("f1")

   If rngScroll.Left < 0 Then Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.Scroll rngScroll

End Sub